Monday, September 5, 2011

Labors For Labor Day

Mildly recuperating from what was strangely one of the more exhausting lazy holiday weekends I have yet to have in quite a while. And it was all in the name of either catching up with old friends, updating wardrobe, or even podcasting. Even had a chance to check out a slightly obscure live-action manga production from the latter 80s while I was at it(which I will definitely have some words to share about it in a near-future post). Having not remembered that this film even existed left it pretty open for me as I hadn't seen the original property in anime form since the latter 1990s. Possibly even considering a future podcast dedicated to some chat regarding it.

Was even able to catch early episodes of the 2007 skin & blood-centric Rin: Daughters Of Memnosyne, and was pleasantly distracted. Was a nice reminder of an era not so long ago when sleazy did in fact have a place in anime without leaving a dirty, unpleasant feeling. Or perhaps I've only started watching the show, and have yet to reach the most challenging/questionable section(s). And while there was some time to put in regarding projects, it only felt more appropo to take the time to stretch, wish the best to all celebrating birthdays this month (next to August, this is easily the most birthdays of people I know taking place within a few weeks - My best to all!), and to prepare my current living situation for great change in the coming months.

For now, as the summer movie season comes to a quiet close, as well as the current anime season, it seems time to do a little extra digging for material perfect to discuss on these pages. With the previous peek at Mikadroid last time, it seems only right that I continue to seek out some lesser known names and concepts in the name of Island Exploration. Top of the Pops might be great for "geek-centric blog no.1", but as for The Kaijyu, it seems time to break out the kit amp; microscope, and find out what kind of amazing we can dig up!

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